Saturday, February 14, 2015

Yes, it's snowing.



I've gone over to the dark side and joined the Apple Collective because my old run-down droid was having more than a few problems. For instance, it would arbitrarily reboot itself periodically. It also refused to occasionally send text messages or make phone calls, which, when you think about it, is the only reason we own these things to begin with.

So anyways, after a few months of dealing with those problems, it came to a head on Thursday evening when my wife sent me a text and I tried to reply. The damned phone refused to send and when I rebooted it, it said it didn't have a SIM card.

I knew that to be a lie so I rebooted it again.

And again.

And again.

It finally recognized its SIM card because I think it sensed I was about to throw it out my car window and I was able to reply.

That was when my wife said that I needed a new phone and I kinda had to agree with her.

At 10:00 this morning, I went over to Verizon, checked out all the phones and decided on the iPhone6. The Droids all looked like they would do what I needed but to get one that was reasonably modern I would have to spend way more that I wanted.

The iPhone6 was reasonably priced, the screen was big enough for my old eyes and I figured it was time for me to become a member of the happy Apple family.

Since I'm now the owner of an Apple product, I feel as if I should grow a goatee, put on a black turtleneck & a scarf and start talking poorly about all the heathens/peasants and their "Microsoft WinBlows" computers.


So while I try and figure out this new phone, you can go visit these links:

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