Friday, March 16, 2018

Getting that itch to fly...

Between the strong winds, the snow and the rains we keep seeing, my flying time has been curtailed.

When I started the training, I flew twice a week. Once I was allowed to solo, I flew three times a week. After I got my license, I flew once every other week. Then winter hit and the damned weather decided to become crappy.

I managed to fly on December 27 and again on March 1. April is fast approaching and I'm hoping to get some time in the air soon. I'd like to try and get back to the flying every other week thing.

I like flying.

The Red Sox are playing this evening and I will be watching the game.

It starts in a few minutes so I'm going to finish this off and press the publish button.

While I watch baseball, you can click on these links:

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