Sunday, November 3, 2019

Our yard is ready for winter

All of the dead plants have been cut down and all of the leaves have been cleaned out of the gardens. I still have to bring in the water hoses and give my snowblower a complete check out but as it stands right now, we are ready for snow.

I hope we don't have a ton of snow this year. Don't get me wrong, I have The Beast to clear my driveway but I'm hoping for a nice mellow winter.

The Patriots are on at 8:20 which in my mind is really 9:20. That means I'm going to be lucky to make it past the first quarter.

The Bruins won last night but not without some drama. A Senator put a heavy moving check on one of the Bruins and immediately went unconscious on contact. It looked like he broke his neck but turns out that didn't happen. What did happen is that when he went out, he fell to the ice face first, leaving a big blood stain from his shattered face.

In the end, it turns out he is probably going to be okay but every player on both teams were pretty shaken up by what happened.

There were three vultures hanging out in a tree in my backyard. One of them kept stretching out, catching some sun.

Last I heard, having a vulture around was considered bad luck. Fortunately, he was looking at my neighbors house, not mine.

Here are some links:

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