Thursday, November 21, 2019


I was doing some web searches for information on trilobites (Yea, I know, I'm odd. What can I say) and I ran across the twitter feed of a paleontologist whose profile said
    "Astrophysicist, paleontologist, geologist, speaker, playwright, engineer, artist, outspoken liberal, grandfather & fan of graffiti & Waffle House. Resistance!"
I'm sure he is a good person, a good grandfather and probably a good paleontologist but the part that caught my eye was "outspoken liberal"

My question is; Is there any other kind of liberal? If you are a liberal, aren't you required to be outspoken? Aren't you required to push your opinions on to everyone around you? Aren't you supposed to assume that anyone who doesn't think and act like you is an evil, dimwitted moron?

Just asking is all....

I'm gonna watch the Bruins play the Sabres and then fall asleep early.

Here are a few links:

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