Friday, January 4, 2013

Here we go again....

Earlier this year, The Dog went in for surgery to repair a torn ACL in his right-hind leg. At that time, we were told that he would more than likely have the same problem with his other leg at some point in the near future.

Well, the near future has arrived and we once again have a three legged dog.

It seems that he made a gallant attempt to scale up onto our bed yesterday and in the process managed to damage his left-hind leg. It is clearly the same injury he experienced on his right leg and that means more surgery.

This is a young dog with a long life before him. He is also one of the best dogs I have ever had the pleasure of owning. And I have owned a lot of dogs over the years. All of that means that I am more than willing to spend the money on this surgery and make the remaining 10+ years of his life with us as enjoyable as possible.

Now I just gotta make sure that he doesn't do something dumb like get hit be a car or something like that.


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