Monday, January 7, 2013

I am not a fan of Mondays.

As I told John this morning, weekends should be four days long. I could really get into working three 12 hour days and then having four days off.

Or even better, work one 12 hour day, have a day off, work one 12 hour day, have a day off, work one 12 hour day, have two days off. That would be perfect.


Looks like The Dog may not require surgery after all.

The vet took a look at him this mronign and said that while he definitely did something to his leg, it's not a torn ligament. His best guess is it could be a pulled or possibly torn muscle and the treatment for that is ten days worth of anti-inflammatory drugs.

In everyones opinion, including The Dog, taking pills for ten days is way better than going through surgery.


These links may entertain and enlighten you.

Or not:

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