Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'm Back!!

On Thursday, my cousin was able to fly my aunt (his mom), my mom and myself out to western Pennsylvania for a funeral. It was a quick two hour flight totally devoid of any issues and we arrived in fine style.

On Saturday, my cousin made the call that there was no way we could fly out of western Pennsylvania because not only was the weather bad in western Massachusetts, it was bad all along our route.

What does that mean? That means we got to enjoy a nice leisurely, relaxing nine hour drive through fog and mist into the middle of the night, that's what it means.

I'm glad we were able to get the sisters out there for the funeral and I'm glad we got to see all of our aunts, uncles and cousins but that drive is a pain in the ass.


You can visit these links, if you want:

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