Friday, March 1, 2013

Bob Woodward is alive and kicking

Years ago, I was at a conference in Florida where the keynote speaker was Bob Woodward. I listened to him and, after he was done speaking, I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to him.

I started the conversation by telling him that I thought his followup to the burglary incident at the Watergate Hotel should be recognized as the point in history that proved the great experiment known as the American democracy was a success.

As a nation, we watched the most powerful man on the planet step down and relinquish his power to a successor without a single gunshot or any paramilitary intervention. He stepped down because two guys with pencils wanted to find the answer to one simple question: "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

I then went on to ask him what he had been doing since then. What new mysteries was he pursuing? He said that he was still focused on keeping an eye on the folks residing in the White House.

I guess he wasn't lying to me...


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