Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A little snow this morning.

I was treated to a bit of a wet snowfall this morning. Nothing major, just a smattering of flakes as I was driving to work.

This means that if you haven't already started up your snowblower or your generator, you best get to it. The last thing you want to discover is that either one of those things doesn't work on the day you really need it.

Like that day back in 2011 when we got two feet of wet heavy snow and all the trees came down....


If come to the conclusion that the best thing that ever happened to the Democrats is the Tea Party.

Ever since the Tea Party started demanding that the Republicans stop being reasonable, the Democrats have taken over more and more of the government. There is no longer a balance of power and I blame the Tea Party.

Someone needs to stop those people...


Here are some links for you:

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