Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Just so everyone is clear on this....

The guy who decided to murder Richard Martin, Krystle Campbell, Lingzi Lu and Sean Collier feels that he is being isolated by the harsh conditions imposed on him by the federal judicial system. He would like the prison to relax those harsh restrictions, particularly the restrictions imposed on him regarding his ability to communicate with people.

He wants to be able to talk to people.

Just so we are all on the same page, here is the note he wrote and left in the boat in Watertown when he thought he was going to die:
    "The U.S. government is killing our innocent civilians but most of you already know that. As a M(uslim) I can’t stand to see such evil go unpunished, we Muslims are one body, you hurt one you hurt us all ... ?(T)he­ ummah (i.e., the Muslim people) is beginning to rise ... Know you are fighting men who look into the barrel of your gun and see heaven, now how can you compete with that? We are promised victory and we will surely get it."

He wants to be able to spread his message. He wants to communicate with his brothers in arms. He wants to get the victory that he believes he will surely get.

I'm betting that the parents of Richard Martin, Krystle Campbell, Lingzi Lu and Sean Collier would all like to get their children back but that's not going to happen, is it.

I say let the little f*ck rot in a 10 foot long by 4 foot wide by 8 foot high cage, isolated from everyone except his attorney, until he is tried by the federal courts and found guilty. Then execute him as quickly as they did that other little f*ck, Timothy McVeigh.

There is no place in our world for anyone that blows up children.


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