Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I have a question...

Who gave President Obama the authority to say, "It's okay for you to ignore that law"?

Follow my thinking on this because that is exactly what he has done.

He told the insurance companies they can let people keep their current insurance policies.

The law, as I understand it, specifically says that policies that do not meet the standards established by the Affordable Care Act, a law enacted by the congress, are to be terminated.

President Obama, in order to appear to not be a lying sack of weasel spit, said to the insurance companies, "You can ignore that part of the law and let people keep their policies."

What gives him the right to issue a proclamation that overrides congressional legislation?

Can he issue that kind of proclamation for any law?

Can he suddenly say, "You know that law that says you can't steal stuff from Walmart? Yea, well, go right ahead and ignore that law because that Walmart place has a lot of stuff it doesn't need."

Isn't there a constitutional law that only congress can legislate? In other words, only congress can make or change laws?

I'm just askin' is all.


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