Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The old man is gone.

Our 18 year old cat took his last breath today and my daughter came home to find the dogs guarding his body.

I like to think we gave him a nice comfortable life.


You want to know why Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders won their respective party primaries? Because people are sick and tired of both the democrats and the republicans, that's why. Those two parties, that claim to represent their constituents, are no different than ISIS in their ideology.

Granted, neither the republicans or the democrats are cutting the heads off of people that disagree with their beliefs but they are just as stubborn about people that don't agree with them. Neither the democrats nor the republicans are willing to listen to anyone that isn't one of them them.

If you say, "We should not live in a country where widows and orphans live in cardboard huts in the woods off the highway", the tea party will call you lily-livered liberal who wants socialism.

If you say, "No, I don't think we should be giving free cell phones to people", the democrats will call you a cold-hearted bastard with no sense of decency.

They border on tribal in their thinking and that my friends is a bad thing.

The republicans, being driven forward by the tea party, refuse to accept the reality that some people need our help. They are quick to lump everyone that isn't like them into a group and blame that group for all of our woes.

The democrats, being driven by the Clintons/Obamas, refuse to accept the reality that some people don't need our help. They are quick to assume that every culture on the planet is just like ours and there are no cultural differences.

If I were ever asked to address a joint session of congress and the president, here's what I would say:
    People are sick and tired of being fondled by authorities with blue gloves because we are so afraid to "profile".

    People are sick and tired of being told what to do, when to do it and how to do it.

    The average citizen is more concerned about the unemployment rate than they are about terrorism.

    The average citizen is more concerned about the number of things that they can go to jail for than they are about global warming.

I hate to say it but we are going to end up with Donald Freakin' Trump as a president because people have had it with the bullshit our government keeps heaping on us.

The problem is, we will quickly regret that. Donald Trump is a business man and a government run like a business results in things like babies in Flint Michigan being poisoned by their drinking water.


Here are some links to click on:

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