Tuesday, February 2, 2016

This is getting interesting.

So Donald Trump, a man with no political background, no filter between his brain and his mouth and the single most ridiculous hair style ever conceived of basically tied for the win in the first political campaign of the presidential race.

Think about that and see if you can figure out why Trump was able to do that.

Forget about all the news stories saying, "Trump gets beat?" or "Cruz wins!" because those aren't true. The results are Cruz: 28% vs Trump: 24% vs Rubio: 23%.

That, my friends, is a three-way tie if ever I've seen one.

So how does a guy who has never held office, get into a three-way tie with professional politicians for the most powerful seat in the nation?

I'll tell you how - his big mouth, that's how.

Americans in general are sick and tired of all the politically-correct bullshit we are forced to swallow every time we turn around. People are getting fed up being told what to do and how to act. We, as a society, have become a collection of entitled spoiled brats with overly-sensitive feelings.

Admit it, you all throw up in your mouth a little bit every time someone uses the word "inclusion".

We need to stop with all the hurt feelings crap and just suck it up buttercup because when a government spends more time worrying about your feelings than your freedom, we've all got a problem. We need to stop looking at other cultures and thinking that they are just like us. They aren't like. They are nothing like us.


There are only 16 days left until pitchers and catchers report for spring training.

Just sayin' is all.


Here are some links you can click on:

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