Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Full furnace ahead!

Thanks to my furnace guy, we now have a fully functional furnace.

Our fully functional furnace has a fully functional expansion tank and a fully functional pressure relief valve. It also has no air in the lines so it's moving nothing but water.

Thanks goodness for this because it was only 80° today and we might have froze to death....


Back in March of 2015, during a joint session of Congress and Senate, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the United States government that any agreement with Iran regarding the Iranian nuclear program would be "A stunning historic mistake".

President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry refused to listen to Netanyahu, as well as several other other world leaders and somehow managed to secure enough votes in the senate to pass the deal.

The other day, Iran decided to poke a stick at Israel by launching two ballistic missiles with the words "Israel must be wiped out" written on them in hebrew.

Now on the surface, this might just be viewed as simple saber-rattling and posturing but when you add the whole "arab spring" thing that Obama encouraged along with the rise of ISIS, the resurgence of the taliban, the millions of deaths in the name of allah and our governments refusal to admit that there is a genocide going on in the the middle-east and I can't help but wonder, "What the hell is wrong with our President?"

Personally, I think his arrogance and his belief that anyone who doesn't agree with him is an ass is the problem. The man refuses to listen to anyone and he only hears what he wants to hear.


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