Sunday, March 27, 2016

Merry Easter

I hope all of you had an enjoyable day!

As for me, I ate a lot of food, watched a little baseball and took a nap.

That's what I consider an enjoyable day.


I was looking at the usage statistics for this little webpage and I have discovered that none of you are using a Microsoft browser:

Pageviews by Browsers

97 (66%)
41 (28%)
6 (4%)
1 (<1%)

Good for you because Internet Explorer 11 sucked huge. Then, when they rolled out Windows 10, they stopped all support for IE and introduced a monstrosity called Edge.

Edge sucks more than IE11.

Personally, I use Chrome but I might be going back to Firefox now that Google has stopped supporting PAPI.

And by the way, the above statistics are for one week and don't include my views of The DailyNews© because I don't track my views.


Here are some links:

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