Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I'm actually enjoying spring training.

Even though the Red Sox are losing, I'm enjoying the games. Tonight they play the Twins and I will be watching as much of the game as possible.


President Obama has announced his nomination for the Supreme Court and while I'm not sure I like his choice or not, I do like the fact that he offered a nominee despite the Republican promise to not vote to approve.

That's what has consistently pissed my off about the Republicans - Their seeming desire to stop the functioning of our government. They seem to take pleasure in roadblocking everything and on this point, they have no reason to roadblock.

It's like they lack the balls to say, "Okay Mr. President, we'll take a look at your nominee and if we don't like him, we'll vote against him."

Instead they are saying, "We aren't going to even look at your nominee. Neener Neener Neener..."

It's like a bunch of little kids.


Here are a few links:

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