Friday, March 25, 2016

No flying today

My instructor called and cancelled today's flight lesson. He said there is no fun in flying around in the clouds. Also, it's hard to see other planes in the clouds and the training aircraft don't have radar.

I agree.

I'm disappointed, but I agree.


Someone has added me to a mailing list of old retired guys and I've started getting lunch invitations. I'm not sure I'm going to tell them that I'm not really retired, I'm just temporarily retired.

I think it would be good to see some of these guys every once in a while. They are, for the most part, a good group of individuals that I've known for many, many years.


It is being reported by that most auspicious of the fourth estate, The National Enquirer, that Ted Cruz has been having numerous affairs over the last few years.

Now before you go laughing and guffawing, I would like to remind you that The National Enquirer is the same rag that reported on Gary Hart, Tiger Woods, John Edwards and Steve Kroft. It's their bread and butter. It's how they earn their living and they are pretty good at it.

I'm thinking if The National Enquirer is saying Ted Cruz cheated on his wife then there's a pretty good chance that Ted Cruz cheated on his wife.

The question at hand is whether that really matters or not. Personally, I think that kind of thing is between him & his wife and isn't really any of my damned business.


So the Red Sox have won 4 of their last 5 games and as I write this, they are well on their way to beating the Pirates and winning 5 of their last 6 games.

Not bad.


Here are a few links for you to enjoy:

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