Saturday, February 9, 2019

Baseball is coming back!

Pitchers and catchers first workout is this coming Wednesday and the full team will hold their first workout the following Monday.

I've warned my wife that baseball season is fast approaching. Her exact words to me were, "That's nice. I've got Netflix."

She could care less about baseball.

Silly person, she doesn't know what she's missing.

I'm going to remind everyone that this woman spent 30 years telling everyone she was "Native American". She also spent her entire 2016 re-election campaign for the US Senate telling everyone who would listen that she was not running for President in 2020, implying that she intended to serve the citizens of Massachusetts for her full 6 year term.

If you haven't been counting, let me point out those are two bald-faced lies. Lies, by the way, that she can't push off with politician-babble. If someone asks her, "Did you claim to be indian?" she has no choice but to either say, "Yes" or redirect the question over to some other subject like, "Trump is bad! Bad!"

If someone asks her, "Did you say you were not running for President in 2020? she has no choice but to either say, "Yes" or redirect the question over to some other subject like, "He's very bad! Bad I tell ya!"

I have never been a fan of her and if she ends up as the democrats candidate, we will all get to enjoy another four years of the instability and insanity that is Trump.

I would like some other choice than Trump or Warren.

Another thing I want to bring up is this whole thing we have going on now where someone digs up a picture of an 18 yer old kid from 30 years ago and then hands out torches & pitchforks to the lynch mob.

If someone looks at a picture of a 18 year old kid in black face and says, "I'm offended by that!", my reaction is, "And....?"

If the now 50 year old guy says, "I'm sorry I did that 30 years ago", that should be the end of it. If the mob says, "Yea, but I'm offended and he needs to be punished!" my reaction is, "Why? He apologized and you should move on."

The whole idea of punishing people because someone, somewhere, is offended stinks of injustice. If you don't like someone, go hang out with people you do like. Trust me, you'll be a lot happier.

Oh, and if I haven't brought enough crappy news for you to digest, let me remind you that the federal government is currently scheduled to shut down again on February 15th.

Enjoy that while visiting these:

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