Friday, February 22, 2019

I'm still tired.

I'm in the midst of one of my annual insomnia bouts and it's killing me. My eyes feel like they weigh a ton and I've got that fuzzy-brained thing going for me.

I'm hoping I get a good night's sleep tonight because I want to try and fly tomorrow. If I'm tired, I won't fly.

Flying tired is almost as bad as driving drunk.

The Red Sox fielded a team of players that most of us have never heard of and then beat the Northeastern Huskies 6-0. Unfortunately I was unable to watch the game.

Tomorrow at 1:00, they play the Yankees. You can bet I'll be watching that game.

By the way, my on-sight contact is not down there yet.

Walt and his wife decided to delay their trek south for a few days and he assures me he will be able to fill me in on the spring training games very soon.

My wife made her famous chicken-broccoli bake today so dinner awaits.

While I eat dinner, you can click links:

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