Monday, February 25, 2019

I'm glad I have a generator

Around 12:30 this afternoon, I checked the National Grid outage map and discovered that my power was out. I kept checking it throughout the afternoon and around 3:30, the outage map said I could anticipate a repair around 5:00pm.

Now the one thing I know is that National Grid and I are not in the same time zones. I'm in the eastern time zone and I'm pretty sure they're in the saturn time zone. When they say 5:00pm, they aren't talking about my 5:00pm and I will be very surprised if the power is back by 7:00pm.

So anyways, I came home around 4:00 and fired up the generator.

My house was cold when I walked in. To be precise, it was 56º. My new furnace, being one of those fancy-shmancy high-efficiency furnaces, needs time to bring the house back up to a livable temp.

As I type this, it's just about 5:00pm and the temp is up to around 63º

The problem with the high-efficiency furnace is it burns very little fuel so it takes it's time getting that little boiler back up to temp.

The Donald is on his way to Vietnam where he will swindled by Krazy Kim II. Again.

Let me break that sentence down so I can show you why I think we live in interesting times.
  1. The President of the United States is Donald Trump.
  2. He is traveling to a country that we were at war with for more the 10 years.
  3. So he can meet with the despot of one of the most oppressive countries in the world.
To quote Jeff Dunham - "What the hell!"

Well, National Grid gave me some electricity around 5:30.

While I enjoy that, you can enjoy these:

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