Saturday, February 23, 2019


I got an hour and fifteen minutes doing take-offs and landings today!

The weather was perfect with nice smooth, dense air that made for excellent take-of climb rates and perfect landing descents.

Since it's a weekend and the weather was perfect for flying, there were a lot of planes in the pattern. That meant we all had to be on our "A" game and pay attention to each other. Fortunately everyone was communicative and agreeable so there were no issues.

I managed to get 5 full stop landings and 1 touch & go. I also headed out over UMass to practice some pattern entry.

Man, that was fun. I've got to do that more often.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'Steve, is it possible that your day could get better?"

Yes. Yes it can get better. I managed to make it home in time to watch 7 innings of Red Sox / Yankees baseball and the Red Sox beat the Yankees 8-5.

Then, my wife suggested we order up some calzones for dinner.

To recap: My day consisted of flying, baseball and calzones.

That, my friends, is pretty damned good day.

While I enjoy my calzones, you can enjoy these links:

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