Sunday, February 17, 2019

I'm running out of DVRs

I've watched every episode of How The Universe Works, every episode of Last Man Standing and every episode of Gold Rush. I am clean out of DVRs.

Baseball better start soon or I might have to do something other than sitting on my ass watching television.

I don't know if we need a wall on our southern border. I don't know if there are hoards of criminals crossing into the United States or not but I do know that we have been talking about illegal immigrants since Bill Clinton was President.

Most of you will find this hard to believe but at one time, the Democrats were all for taking a hard stand against illegal immigrants. As a matter of fact, Clinton's exact words were, "The simple fact is that we must not and we will not surrender our borders to those who wish to exploit our history of compassion and justice."

If you find that hard to believe, wait until I tell you that at one time, the Republicans were all for letting the immigrants in! George W. Bush was the one who coined the term "temporary workers" and suggested that we needed to make it easier for immigrants to come to this country.

Like I said, I have no idea if we need a wall. What I do know is that this country needs to take a long hard look at who is wandering in and why they are wandering in. We have come to this point in our history because congress has not been able to come up with a set of workable immigration laws.

It's so bad the Obama had to use his powers of executive action to create the Dreamer program.

Congress, not the President, should be doing something about this problem and until they do, The Donald is going to do what he wants to do.

I have a plane reserved for tomorrow morning but something tells me the weather is not going to cooperate and I won't be flying.

While I watch the weather followed by bad television, you can check these out:

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