Tuesday, February 19, 2019

NESN is my hero.

Last night I got to enjoy watching Brock Holt hit for the cycle, again.

I can't wait for March 28 when the Red Sox will be in Seattle to play the Mariners. Fortunately, the game will be on at 7:00pm instead of the normal west coast 10:00pm crap.

Before then, I'll DVR some spring training games (they are usually on at 1:00) and enjoy watching them when I get home in the evening.

No word yet from my buddy Walter. He may be down there or he may not. I'll wait until next week and then send him a text to see if he's ready to start providing me with his live Red Sox spring training reports.

A few days ago, I mentioned that I thought Jussie Smollett is a liar. Turns out that not only is he a liar, he's a liar who may have committed a hate crime and mail fraud.

For the record, the possibility of mail fraud is why the FBI got involved in this, not because it wa a hate crime.

He's been kicked off his television show and now he's looking at federal prison time for mail fraud as well as filing a false police report.

On top of that, there are dozens of politicians and social warriors out there who are now, once again, deleting their recent stream of social media saying, "Everyone who isn't black is a racist and it's all Trump's fault!"

Am I the only one that remembers all the people that make shit up?

I'm going to watch game 4 of the ALDS. If I recall, the Red Sox win and move on to the ALCS.

You can click on these links or put NESN on and watch the game. Your choice:

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