Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Not much to prattle on about today.

The news has been nothing but impeachment, tax returns, the middle-east and California's power outages.

In case you heard, Pacific Gas and Electric is shutting off the electric grid in large portions of California because of high winds. You see, two years ago, some power lines were knocked out by high winds and they started a fire. That fire grew pretty big and killed some people.

Since the good people of California like to blame someone for everything, the state basically sued PG&E into bankruptcy when it won a law suit in the amount of $11 Billion. Yes, that's a 'B'.

Now, PG&E has decided that since they don't have any money after being sued into bankruptcy, they can't afford to get sued again.  And since they don't have any money left, they can't update the grid. That leaves them with one choice - shut the electricity off so there is no chance of any shorts starting a fire.

Congratulations California, you got what you wanted - an electric company that is making sure it won't start any more fires. You also now have several days or weeks of living in the stone age. Enjoy!

Here are some links you should consider clicking on:

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