Saturday, October 19, 2019

Today was family day

Since my daughter is home, her brothers came into town and we celebrated "early birthday" and "early Thanksgiving".  My wife made a complete Thanksgiving dinner, the boys brought booze & desert and a good time was had by all.

I have a food baby going on in my belly.

Hockey is being played at 7:00 this evening.

Baseball is being played at 8:00 this evening.

The Small Emergency Backup Dog woke me up at 4:30 this morning.

If you put all of those facts together, they add up to me watching a period of Hockey, falling asleep on my couch, waking up after the hockey game has ended, checking the scores of both the hockey and the baseball game before crawling into bed and falling sound asleep.

While I fall asleep early, you should visit these:

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