Tuesday, October 15, 2019

She is catching up on her rest

My daughter, the vet med student, has spent the last few months of her final year working her butt off. Its been 12 hour days doing things like surgery, primary care, anesthesia, dermatology, etc... Basically, they have to learn everything that a people doctor has to learn but for all species, not just one.

So now that she is home for a few days, her goal is to sleep as much as possible.

The dogs are good with that since that's kind of what they do all the time.

Being a sales guy for a tech vendor has to be the worst job imaginable. Those guys have to deal with someone like me and that's gotta suck for them.

I never reply to their emails, I don't accept meeting invitations, even if it involves food and drink and I don't answer my phone when I see a number that looks like it's from a vendor.

I'm a nasty guy when it comes to people trying to sell me shit I don't want.

Here are a few links:

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