Tuesday, February 18, 2020

I've about had it with this weather.

I would like to go flying but this weather is making it near impossible for me to do that. Every time I have time to go, it's crappy out.

At this point, I want to go up with my instructor simply because it's been almost 3 months since I last flew and I want to have someone who can cover my ass and take the controls if I screw up.

Don't get me wrong; I don't want to screw up and I don't think I will but I'm a cautious flyer who doesn't take unnecessary risks.

It's February and I'm already experiencing politician overload. There are dozens of television commercials blasting about how great [insert lying politician name here] is and how he/she is going to make my life great by [insert cause célèbre here].

As much as I want spring and summer to get here, I'll be glad when November is over with and we can have at least 3 years of peace and quiet.

Still no hockey and the first baseball game I can pay attention to is on Saturday. Oh, and I have confirmed that my buddy Walt is down in Fort Meyers, ready to fill me in on all the game action.

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