Sunday, February 16, 2020

This is interesting.

It seems that ABC is carrying the XFL games and I got to watch a little football. It wasn't great football. Hell, I'm not entirely sure I would call it good football but it was football.

I only watched about a half hour because the Bruins were on at 3:30 and I wanted to watch them.

Speaking of the Bruins, they managed to beat the Rangers this afternoon, putting them once again three points ahead of the streaking Lightning.

It was a good game with a lot of action and some pretty good old-time-hockey, as they like to say.

Every time I hear an announce say, "old-time-hockey", all I can think of is the movie Slap Shot and Ogie Oglethorpe.

While I savor today's win and watch some Gold Rushes, you can do some clicking on these:

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