Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Once again, a busy day

I had a meeting this morning and then a trip to Costco to get some cheap, non-Massachusetts eggs (and a few other things). After that it was lunch with my buddies and finally I got the leaves off my lawn.

I did manage to hear some news on my car radio. The weather dweebs are saying we might see some sleet / freezing rain tomorrow morning which is why I decided to get the leaves off my lawn.

No, the dogwood tree in my front yard has not dropped any leaves yet...

So far, Trump and each of his three children have testified that none of them had anything to do with any Trump company(s) financial documents.

I gotta be honest with you, it sounds kind of stupid to me that the owners of a company have no idea about the company's financial situation. That leads me to believe that the Trump's are either dumb as a box of concrete or they are lying about what they know.

I'm willing to accept either explanation.

I've had dinner and now I'm going to watch some bad television.

Here are some links:

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