Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Yes, there is hockey this evening

The Bruins are in Buffallo to play the Sabres. Puck drops at 7:00.

This should be a win for the Bruins since the Sabres are at best a .500 team. If the Bruins can minimize their penalty minutes and keep themselves at full strength for most of the game, they should have no problem holding off the Sabres.

Key line in this story: "After throwing his NFL-high 10th interception, Jones was unceremoniously benched..."

I know that sports writers are notorious for saying things that turn out to be flat-out wrong and this story may just be one example of that, but...

...it's time for the Mac Jones experiment to come to an end.

I was on the Jones bandwagon his first season with the team. Let's face it, after two seasons of Cam Newton, we were all happy to see someone else step in and hopefully clean up the mess.

But that didn't happen.

He's in his third season with the team and it seems like he has gotten progressively worse each year.

Belichick needs to find someone who can play the game with skill. Maybe that someone is Zappe, maybe not, I don't know. What I do know is it's definitely not Jones.

There are two foods that I find difficult to make.

The first is jello. When I make jello, it never sets. It comes out as more of a kool-aid kind of drink rather than a jiggly blob of delight.

The second is pasta. I never know how much to make. My wife, The Professor, finds it funny as hell when she looks at the huge colander filled with pasta and says something like, "Maybe we should invite the neighbors over beause there's enough pasta there to feed 10 people". Then we spend the next three days eating various pasta dishes.

Now I'm going to try and make just enough pasta to go with the chicken parmesean we are having for dinner. Wish me luck.

After I make pasta, I'm going to watch hockey.

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