Saturday, November 25, 2023

Thanksgiving, The Sequel

Our Thanksgiving had a part two today when our children showed up to enjoy turkey and stuff.

When we got married, we made the decision that we were not going to make the holidays a stressful experience for anyone. We would try to make it to both family holiday things but if it wasn't really possible, no big deal.

When my sisters and brothers got married, we got together and decided we would celebrate Christmas either the weekend before or the weekend after so we could all go hang out with our in-laws on the day of and then get together afterwards. This meant we were celebrating two Christmases.

When we had kids, we decided we weren't going to leave our house on Christmas day because the one thing I didn't want to do was drag my kids away from their Christmas presents. My brothers and sisters pretty much agreed that was a good idea and we ended up with three Christmases - one with the in-laws, one with just us and one with my siblings.

Since the multiple Christmas thing worked out so well, and now that our kids are on their own, we decided to apply the same thinking to all the holidays and now we have multiple Thanksgiving's. This way the kids can celebrate with the family of their "significant other" and then celebrate with us.

All of which is a lengthy explanation as to why today is Thanksgiving, The Sequel.

The Bruins took on the Rangers this afternoon and once again got their ass kicked. The Rangers beat them 7-4 simply because they played a hell of a lot better than the Bruins.

This means they are now tied with the Rangers for first place in the NHL, with the Golden Knights one point behind them.

They are off tomorrow while they travel to Ohio where on Monday they will play the Blue Jackets.

Let's hope they get their shit together and start playing some good hockey again.

While I digest round two of my turkey, you can visit these links:

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