Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Amazingly enough, I have no water in my basement.

I was expecting to find a few inches of water in my basement as the snow started melting but so far, nothing. I hope the same is true for you but all this water has to be going somewhere and since the ground is frozen, I'm thinking it must be going in to your basement.


The President is giving his State of the Union speech this evening. He's going to say things like:
  • "Newtown...."
  • "Thanks to our efforts, the economy is making great strides towards a full recovery and more" Americans are going back to work."
  • "The war in Irtaq is over and the war in Afghanistan is winding down."
  • "Guns bad, healthcare good."
  • "Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws but the highest murder rate."
Wait, he's probably not going to say that last one.

To be honest with you, I won't be watching his speech. I've always thought the State of the Union speech is nothing more than an hour of lies being told by a guy who earns a living lying to us. It's got nothing to do with democrats or republicans, it's always the same - lie, lie, lie.

The only State of the Union that was ever any good was the one where Nancy Pelosi kept leaping up from her seat and applauding wildly. It was like watching a deranged weasel getting shocked in the ass and really loving it.

Someone let me know if Boehner falls asleep in background.


Try these links if you are so inclined:

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