Monday, February 18, 2013

One more day off.

Today is the day we celebrate our Presidents.

It used to be Washington's Birthday but President Richard "TrickyDick" Nixon decided we should celebrate all Presidents, not just the first one. We also used to celebrate Lincoln's Birthday but we eliminated his birthday at the same time we eliminated Washington's.

Now we celebrate all Presidents equally, including such well-known presidents as William Henry Harrison who served as president for 30 whole days before dying of pneumonia or something like that, Millard Filmore, who took over after Zachary Taylor died of some gastro-intestinal disease, and of course, Gerald Ford, the guy who fell down more airplane stairs than any other human being in history and probably should have died from all those falls.

But that's not what I came here to tell you....

I wanted to tell you that my new favorite television commercial is the Honda Presidents Day sale commercial.


Today is my eldest offspring's birthday so if you happen to see him, tell him I said Happy Birthday.


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