Sunday, February 3, 2013

Only two FAFSAs this year

It seems to me that all we do in February is fill out forms for the government. Yesterday it was taxes and today it's the FAFSA. Last year, we had to do three FAFSAs so this year is a little easier.

For those of you that have never filled out a FAFSA, trust me, it's not a lot of fun. It's not quite as hard as doing taxes but it still sucks. And in our case, I'm not sure it really helps.

You see, both my wife and I are gainfully employed which means the government is convinced that we don't need any breaks when it comes to higher education. The government doesn't care that we have three in college. All the government cares about is did we pay our taxes.

Seems like the government wants all of my money so they can give it to people who aren't me.

And that, my friends, might explain why most of us don't like the people that aren't us.


Enjoy these links:

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