Friday, February 8, 2013

Hunker Down??

Since there was only about an inch of snow in my yard at 4:00 this afternoon, I decided that I wasn't frightened enough. I flipped on the weather channel in time to hear a talking head actually say the words, "You should hunker down".


This is not World War II and I am not sitting in a slit-trench or a fox-hole trying to avoid becoming the target of enemy fire. This is not Oklahoma and I am not sitting in a storm shelter during a tornado outbreak. This is not Mobile, Alabama and I am not waiting for a category 5 hurricane to make landfall.

Who the hell says "hunker down" when talking about a light snow? The idiots at the weather channel, that's who. These are the same morons who are calling this "Winter Storm Nemo!" (in an excited voice with a slight echo). And our state government is agreeing with these idiots.

Our Esteemed Governor, Deval "What I lack in height I more than make up for in arrogance" Patrick declared a state of emergency at 4:00pm today and called out the national guard. Then they put the bullshit icing on this gigantic paranoia cake with this:
    Posted on: February 8, 2013

    ** Driving Ban in Place Starting at 4 PM **

    All motorists MUST be off the roads except for public safety and public works workers, government officials conducting official business, utility workers, healthcare workers who must travel to provide essential, news media. Travel also is allowed if necessary to maintain and deliver critical private sector services such as energy, fuel supplies and delivery, financial systems and the delivery of critical commodities, or to support business operations that provide critical services to the public, including gasoline stations, food stores and hardware stores. Motorists must use their best judgment in determining if travel is permitted under an exception to the ban. Law enforcement is being asked to interpret the exceptions broadly; the objective is to limit traffic as much as possible while allowing critical public and private sector services and functions to use the roads as necessary. Do not call 9-1-1 about the travel ban, phone lines are needed for emergency calls.
    [Executive Order No. 543]

    Kurt Schwartz
    Undersecretary, Homeland Security & Emergency Management
    Director, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
    Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security

Is the state government telling me that I'm not allowed to drive when there is one inch of snow on the ground? Is that what they are telling me? Because if that's the case, no one in this state is going to get anything done between the months of October and April ever again.

And in case you didn't notice, that is an executive order issued during a state of emergency. That means you can be arrested if you are deemed to be in violation.

Has everyone lost their freaking minds?

If I wake up tomorrow morning to 24 inches of snow, I'll be shocked. Shock I tell ya.

If I wake up tomorrow morning to 12 inches of snow, I won't be the least bit surprised or annoyed. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure that is what I'm going to find when I wake up tomorrow.

If I wake up tomorrow morning to 4 inches of snow, I'm gonna call up our esteemed Governor and ask him how that state of emergency thing is working out for him. Then I'm going to laugh at him and hang up the phone.


While I'm trying to figure out what the hell happened to our species collective fortitude and testicles, you can click on these links:

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