Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sure glad I moved my snow blower....

Once again, the weather channel tried to terrorize us with the fact that we occasionally get snow here in New England.

They failed miserably with their predictions about WINTER STORM Q!!!!

I guess Q stands for Quit.


The media is having a ball with the pending federal government funding cuts.

They are really pushing the fact that the FDA will furlough (aka, lay off) federal meat inspectors. One news program did a series of "Man on the Street" interviews where everyone they talked to said the same thing, "It frightens me that the food supply may no longer be safe because the republicans want to cut the budget."

In the first place, the democrats had just as much to do with this "sequestration" thing as the republicans did. The only people that think this is a republican thing are morons who fail to actually pay attention to what is going on.

In the second place, why will there be cuts to the FDA's food inspection program, a program that benefits the entire population of the United States? Why won't there be cuts to, oh, I don't know, maybe something that benefits only a small group of people like the free cell phone program?

How come the government, either federal, state or local, always cut the things that the tax payers need yet they never cut the things that the non-taxpayers feel they are entitled too?

Just askin' is all....


Here are some links:

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