Saturday, February 2, 2013

We just finished doing our taxes.

Now I understand what drove Joe Stack to do what he did.

We are screwed.

And when I say screwed, I'm not talking your basic low-level, run-of-the-mill screwed. No sir, I'm talking about your I dropped the soap in a crowded prison shower screwed.

I would really like to know what the federal government is giving me in return for all the money I give them.


Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning. Do you know what that means? It means it was cloudy in western Pennsylvania this morning, that's what it means.

Then again, according to Wikipedia, the damned ground hog has a 40% accuracy rate. I'm thinking that is probably a better rate than the National Weather Service.


I managed to walk away from the taxes long enough to find these links:

  • Yes, alcohol was involved. (We don't pay cops enough money...)

  • Only in Florida.

  • For those of you who think Mr. Rogers is a saint, think again.

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