Friday, January 2, 2015

Last official day of vacation.

I managed to use all of my 2014 vacation time before the end of 2014. I always take the one floating holiday they give us as my first day off of the new year so today was my floater.

That means that on Monday, I go back to work and face an entire new years worth of work.

And not to sound like too much of a dweeb but I'm looking forward to my major project this year. It's a modernization of our current mainframe security facility and it'll take almost the entire year. When we're done, I'll be able to spend less time correcting problems caused by folks trying to use an antiquated system to secure a modern platform.


This afternoon, my wife was shredding some old documents and made a bit of a mess. She got the vacuum out to clean up and this is what I saw when I walked past the stairs:

He's a wuss...


Here are some links:

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