Thursday, January 22, 2015

Still no time or energy for updates.

Who was the first person to eat a lobster? "Whoa. Look at the size of that bug. I bet that might be a real tasty critter if I can get past those pinchy things and that armor coating."

Who was the guy who decided haggis was a good idea? "Hey everybody, I got a great idea! Let's grind up some random internal organs, stuff them into a sheep stomach and eat it!"

Did the person who invented blood sausage think to themselves, "Well, here's the problem - the blood is too danged watery. I'll just mix it up with some leftover innards from that cow over there, stuff it into an intestine and fry it up on the fire!"

Don't ask me why I got to thinking about that stuff. Sometimes that kind of crap just pops into my head.


Here are some mighty fine links:

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