Friday, February 17, 2017

My smart house is getting smarter.

I ordered three light switches a few weeks ago and they arrived last night. The three switches consist of one master and two slaves (Yes, I know that is a politically incorrect thing to say. Get over it.) that I will use to replace the four-way monstrosity that controls our porch light.

Since I have to kill power to at least two, possibly three electrical circuits in the house while I do this, I'm going to wait until my wife is at work.

Once it's done, we will no longer come home to dark house nor will we have to fumble around trying to get my house key in the lock while standing on a dark porch.

In other news, I managed to remove a high-end MasterLock trigger lock from a gun for which there was no key.

I did it with a screwdriver.

I did it with a screwdriver in under 15 seconds.

I did it with a screwdriver in under 15 seconds in a dimly lit room.

Trust me, if you own guns and you are using a trigger lock to secure them, you are failing miserably.

Don't fail miserably, get a gun safe.

Here are some links that you could click on if you were so inclined:

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