Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Table Saw of Death is being replaced

My wife's uncle is no longer using his table saw and it is now mine. It replaces a piece of machinery that would make Dexter proud.

My old table saw was a frankenstein of a machine put together by my father-in-law years ago. It's made entirely of raw iron ore and weighs a ton. The drive is an old 3-phase motor that is mounted on a piece of 2x8 that is in turn connected to the frame with hinges so it can be raised and lowered. The motor drives the saw with an old fan belt which is why it can be moved up and down to adjust the tension on the belt.

As for the saw, it's incapable of holding a set angle. It's almost impossible to get the blade 90° to the table surface and the guides are no where near 90° to the blade. also, the table itself measure 12" x 15" so balancing a large piece of wood on it requires some mad skilz. As a result, it's always a crap shoot when I cut a piece of wood and try to fit it into it's intended location.

The new saw, and I use the word new loosely, is at least made of steel and aluminum, has a 24"x 30" table, is fully adjustable and seems to hold it's settings pretty well.

Now that I'm no longer afraid I'll lose my thumb or fingers, maybe I'll be able to make some nice things for my house.

The Red Sox managed to beat the Twins today and I managed to watch most of the game because NESN decided to carry it.

During the game, a friend of mine, a retired guy with lots of time on his hands, was texting me from Jet Blue Park. I asked him where he was sitting and he told me. I took a picture of my television screen and sent it to him.

He replied that he was behind the third baseman but he could see his wife is to his right in pink. You can see her between the Twins third baseman and the Red Sox runner.

We live in wonderful times where one guy in Florida can tell another guy who is 1,200 miles away in Massachusetts where he is sitting and the guy in Massachusetts can see him (kinda).

Here are some links you might want to visit:

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