Sunday, July 30, 2017

Half a game behind

The Red Sox lost two out of three to the Royals and Terry Francona is bringing a winning Indians team into town tomorrow.

This is not looking all that good....

I took my daughter on a one hour sightseeing flight today. We started with a quick trip in the pattern just because I like to make at least one trip in the pattern. After that we went out over the Quabbin and headed north to Orange. Then it was south-west to Sugarloaf Mountain. From there it was a quick flight south down the Connecticut to the city of Northampton and finally back to the airport.

She managed to capture my landing from turn-to-final on video:

Not bad. Not bad at all. A little flat but still pretty good considering there was a slight crosswind from the right.

After I got home from flying, I mowed my lawn and then headed over to Johns to see if I could help him get a locked door open.

That means I did not spend any time surfing for interesting stuff. The few links I found are here:

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