Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Man, am I tired.

We spent yesterday at Tanglewood listening to James Taylor and Bonnie Raitt. After the concert, they had fireworks which means things didn't end until midnight. We didn't get home until a little before 2:00 this morning.

I got up at 7:00 to go to work this morning with about 4 hours of sleep under my belt.

I'm freakin' exhausted but it was worth it because the concert was pretty good.

Taylor is almost 70 years old and his voice has held up pretty well. Normally I'm not a fan of crowds and as such I tend to avoid things like concerts but at Tanglewood, we set up on the lawn with a blanket, chairs, food, drinks, etc... and basically sit back to listen to the music.

Yes, there are thousands of people around us but it's like the blanket is our private little island and no one really intrudes on that.

Attention MassLive marketing department:

I understand your desire to earn money by selling advertising space in your paper  and on your webpage but I can't help but wonder what the loved ones think about your ad placement on the obituary page.

Specially when you are placing ads like this one in the middle of the obits:

Do you really think a parent, a spouse or a child needs to see that next to their loved ones death notice?

I'm going to try and stay awake until at least 9:00 tonight. If I fall asleep too early, I'll end up waking up at 3:00 in the morning tomorrow and being just as screwed up tomorrow afternoon as I was today.

I was hoping to watch at least four innings of baseball tonight but it looks like that isn't going to happen since it's raining in the Dallas / Fort Worth area.

While I look for something to watch while I fall asleep, you can click on these:

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