Saturday, July 22, 2017

Thank goodness for Sox In 2

I wasn't able to stay awake last night but NESN reran the game this afternoon. This is a good thing because not only did I get a good nights sleep, I was able to watch the game.

And yes, I know it's not the same watching a game that you know the outcome but I watch baseball for the play.

Tonights game is on at 9:00 which while not as late os last night, it's still late. I'll watch a few innings and then probably fall asleep on the couch.

I forgot to post this last night. It's from yesterday afternoon:

It was a bit warm.

As for today, this is what I discovered when I was mowing my lawn this morning:

Those, my friends, are gypsy moths and their egg sacs. You can bet I'll be destroying them as quick as possible.

I have a feeling that next year may be an interesting year for gypsy moths caterpillars.

I'm going to eat dinner and then try to stay awake for the 9:00 start of tonights game.

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