Saturday, October 21, 2017

Perfect day to fly

I spent an hour and a quarter doing pattern work and a little sightseeing today.

I took off, flew once around the pattern and did a touch & go. The reason I did the touch & go is that there were two other planes in the pattern with me and they were doing touch & go's. Rather than mess with the flow, I decided to keep pace with the other two.

My second time around there was only one other plane in the pattern with me so I did a full stop landing and then taxi'd back. I repeated that two more times and then departed the pattern to make a short flight up to Montague and back where I made my fifth and final landing.

Here's a picture I took looking south down the river from Sugarloaf towards Northampton.

I tried to find some fall colors. This is the best I could do:

It was a little busy in the sky but no one was being a dick and we all stayed out of each others way.

I love flying.

The final game of the ALCS will be played tonight.

This has been an interesting series because so far, the home team has won every game. That's why it is tied at 3 each. If the streak holds, the Astros (the home team) will win and move on to the World Series.

I'm actually hoping the Yankees win and move on but in all honesty, I don't really care.

Here are some links that you can visit:

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