Thursday, June 14, 2018

No baseball for me tonight

The Red Sox are in Seattle to play the Mariners. Unfortunately, the game doesn't start until 10:00 tonight so I won't be watching it.

They did win yesterday and the Yankees lost so the Red Sox are now in first place by a full game.

At least I think they are ahead by a full game.

It's hard to tell because the Yankees have been rained out so many times, they have played six fewer games than the Red Sox. The Yankees have a higher percentage of wins but they also have a higher percentage of losses.

It's weird but then again, it's baseball. The only game that is played on a field with no set dimensions and no time limit. Technically, a game can go on forever.

That's weird.

While I finish my dinner and then watch some DVRs, you can visit these:

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