Friday, June 15, 2018

Still up by a game

Despite the fact I didn't stay awake to watch the game and offer my sage coaching advice, they managed to win last nights game. I watched the highlights online and it looked like Price pitched a pretty good game.

They need him to keep pitching good games.

My lawn has stopped growing and I'm not sure if I should be happy about that or concerned about drought. I'm happy because I no longer have to mow it every four days but worried because I kinda liked having a green lawn and now it's starting to look a little less green.

Maybe I'll start watering it a bit.

Then again, what the hell, I like not mowing it every four days.

This made me laugh out loud:

I'm going to watch some Storage Wars and then see if I can watch an inning or two of baseball.

While I do that, you can enjoy these links:

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