Saturday, June 9, 2018

Very nice day

As a mater of fact, it was such a nice day that there was no way I was not going to spend some of it 2,000 feet up in the air.

I got slightly more than an hour of flight time in the pattern this afternoon and it was perfect. I got in 3 touch & go's and 5 full-stop landings, all of which were pretty damned good. No bounces, no hard thumps and no sideways approaches.

I love flying.

We are in the process of replacing the wallpaper border in our family room. My wife found a border she really likes and today we spent an hour or so peeling off the old border. The wall is no clean and ready for it's new adornment so tomorrow, I will put new blades in my utility knife and commence to wallpapering.

Putting a border up is pretty easy but I still need to match up the pattern. It has a 1 foot repeat so I don't anticipate much in the way of loss.

I do, however, anticipate a sore back on Monday morning.

The Red Sox lost last night and are now half a game behind the Yankees.

As I type, todays game is in the fifth inning and the score is 4-2, Red Sox. Hopefully they win today's game and the Mets are nice enough to beat the Yankees tonight. That will put the Red Sox back in first.

I'm going to finish watching this ball game and then find something else to occupy my time.

While I do that, you can visit these fine digital establishments:

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