Saturday, April 27, 2019

LinkedIn is run by inept dweebs

Years ago, when it first started up, I created a LinkedIn account because it was geared towards business and in my world, the more contacts you have, the more job opportunities you have. Over the years, I have accumulated hundreds of contacts, some of whom I have no idea who they are. They are more than likely sales types that have asked me to connect with them in the hopes they might sell me something.

But that's not what this is about. It's about the "social media" aspect of LinkedIn.

LinkedIn periodically sends me emails that say things like, "You have 25 new messages!" and those messages are really just notifications from LinkedIn about something my contacts have recently done or accomplished.

One of the common "accomplishments" is a work anniversary. The message will say something like, "Congratulate Lurlene for 3 years at Bucky's Bar and Fireworks Emporium".

Well, I got this beauty the other day:

Does LinkedIn seriously think I want to send her a message saying, "Hey! Congratulations on being disabled for 16 years! That's quite an accomplishment. You must be so proud."


Last nights Red Sox game got rained out.

Todays 4:00 game started on time and as I type this, it's the bottom of the fourth inning and the Rays are up 1-0. The Red Sox are playing okay and if the bats come to life, they just might win this one.

As for the Bruins, they'll be playing tonight at 8:00 which means I get watch that game without having to do that whole channel flipping thing.

While I watch the end of the ball game followed by the hockey game, you can watch these:

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