Thursday, April 4, 2019

Well, they won last night

But this afternoon sucked.

As I type this, the game just ended with the Athletics winning 7-3

The curse of the Red Sox is that they leave men on base.

And I don't mean a guy on first. No, when they leave guys on base, they do it with the bases loaded or runners on second and third. They get right to the very edge of scoring runs and then they call it quits.

On top of that, the Red Sox have never done great on left coast trips. The bright side of this depressing beginning to the season is that they are getting this trip out of the way early.

Tomorrow they start a three game series against the Diamondbacks. Playing in a national league park is always fun because I get to watch the pitchers bat.

This made me laugh:

While I figure out if I should be pissed at Apple because my freshly repaired laptop is not behaving like it should, you can visit these:

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